Susan T- Framingham, MA

I loved working with Nurit on The Uplevel Program.  I had gained some unwanted weight over the past two years, and I needed to take it off gradually and get back to my old self.  As a care partner for my husband it has been challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  I had been following Nurit’s blogs for many years and felt confident that this would be the program that would be perfect for me.  Not only did I lose 14 pounds, but I feel 100 percent better.  My old energy and enthusiasm for life are back.  My clothes fit better, and I love people noticing the difference in me.  I have a renewed passion for cooking and enjoy the recipes that Nurit provides. 

This 90-day program was a godsend and worth its weight in gold.  The tips and tricks she shared as a food scientist were amazing.  She is always so upbeat and positive; she makes it fun to reach your goals.  As we head into the busy holiday season, I feel the advice she has shared will get me through it without going back to my old habits.

Thanks, Nurit!

Nurit RaichComment
Sarah T- Los Angeles, CA

I was significantly overweight and nothing I could do to lose it was working, so I decided to join Nurit’s Uplevel program. I have now lost 20 lbs, feel so good and have so much energy, I finally feel like I am in control of my health and my future!

Over the course of 12 weeks, with small incremental changes, she taught me how to eat delicious healthy food. Nurit’s food science background and her positive attitude made the weekly sessions fun and educational. Now I have so much energy and feel so good, that I don’t want to go back to eating the way I was before. I have enough energy to cook homemade meals and spend quality time with my family after a super busy day.

Nurit RaichComment
Kristen C- Los Angeles, CA

Working with Nurit has changed my life! From her smarts to her sincere warm sun-shining heart to her unwavering support, I was able to lose 10 pounds.

I’m so thrilled to continue knowing Nurit is by my side and there when needed. What I loved most about working with Nurit, is her insatiable energy! With a positive energetics approach, it made the whole process more enjoyable. From her smarts to her sincere warm sun-shining heart to her unwavering support, I was able to finally lose weight and feel clear-headed again.

Nurit RaichComment
Janet A- Los Angeles, CA

I loved working with Nurit. It was enlightening. Thanks to her program, in 3 months I was able to lose weight, have more energy and much fewer headaches. Most importantly, Nurit enabled in me a new health-focused mindset and more self-confidence.

Before, I thought I was eating healthy, and even though I was eating well,  Nurit showed me how to dramatically change my eating habits. Previously, I hadn’t been able to lose weight, I had trouble sleeping, I had chronic headaches. Thanks to her coaching, some adjustments to my eating habits and exercise, in 3 months I was able to lose weight, have more energy and much fewer headaches. I feel amazing!

Nurit RaichComment
Melissa S- Chicago, IL

Hearing my Dr tell me how profound my changes are and that I essentially could live to 100 dancing (an actual quote from him!), I realize the investment was very small for what I have gained. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!

Nurit, I’m soooo grateful to you you have no idea. Honestly, I was regretting spending so much money in the beginning because I wasn’t understanding the value…but seeing the lab results today and inflammation markers and hearing my Dr tell me how profound my changes are and that I essentially could live to 100 dancing (an actual quote from him!), I realize the investment was very small for what I have gained. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!

Nurit RaichComment
Leah L- San Francisco, CA

After working with Nurit I am not just thinner, I feel all around better, I sleep better, my skin looks better and I have learned a new way of eating, exercising and managing multiple allergies I had picked up over the years.  Nurit did not put me on a diet, she taught me a lifestyle.  

Bringing Nurit into my life has truly been the most generous, wisest and most compassionate gift I have given to myself in years.  At 55, after taking care of everyone else’s needs for decades (husband, children, career, clients, pets, plants, widgets and more), I finally took a step that was only for me, for my own health, for my personal growth and happiness - and every penny I have spent on her guidance has been an investment in my well-being and future that is seriously priceless.

Nurit is an amazing coach, mentor, guide, teacher and role model.   Her wealth and depth of knowledge, delivered with compassion and cheer has been a life-changer for me. 

Perhaps you can relate.  When I was a young woman and I needed to drop a few pounds for a special occasion, a wedding, a graduation, a special date, and certainly a class reunion, all I needed to do was skip a couple meals over a weekend, work out a little harder and that was that.  Into those skinny jeans I went - hooray!   Does this ring a bell? 

Then adulthood caught up with me, and after the obligatory Covid 15 lbs I picked up baking and bonding with my teen son, no diet or amount of exercise was moving that pesky needle on the scale! 

What??!!!Why??!!!  Wasn’t I a good person? I know it dates me to say I’ve done all the diets that have come in and out of fashion - The South Beach Diet, Dr. Atkins (before it was called paleo), Fit For Life, Weight Watchers, you name it… and they all worked to some extent when I did them.  So what was the problem now?!! Sure, I could hear my grandmother, aunts and mother in my head saying “it was menopause that did it,” “after a certain age your body changes” etc.  Even so, I never believed that would happen TO ME!   I couldn’t make sense of it.  

Tired and emotionally drained, I reached out to Nurit.  She understood where I was and what my goals were.  The end of dieting and my journey towards learning about food and my body in a way I had never understood before, began.  

Nurit has been patient moving me away from deeply ingrained beliefs I had about fats, carbs and sugar.   She continues to cheer me on, celebrate even small wins and understand missteps. So far I have lost half the weight of my ambitious goal and I feel terrific.  Not just thinner, I feel all around better, I sleep better, my skin looks better and I have learned a new way of eating, exercising and managing multiple allergies I had picked up over the years.  Nurit did not put me on a diet, she taught me a lifestyle.  

Give yourself the gift of better health and improved well-being.  If you don’t do it for yourself, who will?   Books and apps and YouTube videos can’t address exactly who YOU are, what you like and don’t like, what feels good and what doesn’t, what you’re willing to do and what you’re not.  Nurit can and will do this for you.  Sharing knowledge and improving other people’s lives is her passion and her calling … which is why she’s so brilliant at it.

Nurit RaichComment
Remy B- Los Angeles, CA

After 4 weeks of working with Nurit I feel better than I have in the past 11 years.

I used to have constant stomach pain, live my life counting calories, had extra weight I could not lose and was always tired.

Thanks to Nurit, my entire mindset when it comes to food, nutrition and the mind-body connection has changed! 

The stubborn pounds are coming off, not having to count calories is super liberating, my energy is back and I no longer need that siesta in the afternoon!

She is beyond encouraging and always motivating me to do my very best! She is professional, inspiring, passionate and very knowledgeable. She is truly the best and can’t wait to continue to see more amazing results!

Nurit RaichComment
Tima C- Leeds, UK

Working with Nurit has been the most beneficial investment I’ve made in my life. Being a fitness junkie, a busy person with lots of allergic reactions to food, you are not always aware of what you are eating.  When I found Nurit, I was definitely not fueling my body with the proper foods or enough calories and I was also struggling to lose weight. 

Nurit taught me how to fuel my body holistically rather than worry about calorie counting. 

She is such a kind, compassionate, and nonjudgmental holistic health coach. Her attention to detail and ability to tailor a nutrition plan to my individual needs have changed my life.  

Nutrition has a lot of gray areas and Nurit does such an amazing job providing clarity over the many myths nutrition presents. She’s easy to work with and the ultimate professional and she is always available to text or call if you need nutrition advice 😊

Nurit RaichComment
Dana C – Los Angeles, CA

Working with Nurit helped me focus on my self-care by prioritizing stress relief, healthy eating and exercise in ways that worked with my busy schedule. It was totally manageable in my day to day routine. Nurit is a great listener, easy to talk to, and an expert in her field. She offers advice using her health and holistic background as well as her own experience on what can actually lead you to achieve results. I would recommend her to anyone looking to find healthy solutions that will fit into their daily lifestyle. She will keep you motivated, will follow up on your progress and is equally committed to your success!

Nicole Macdonald
Diane L – Cambridge, MA

I was going through a tough time during some big life transitions - moving cross country, changing jobs, having a baby. I knew I wasn't happy and I needed someone to help me make positive changes in my life. I loved how positive and encouraging Nurit's direction was.

Through the course of the Healthy Living Mastery Program she walked me through step by step in making small lifestyle changes that were totally doable. I felt immediately happier and motivated after each session and over the several months of the program I was the happiest and healthiest I had been in years.

I got pregnant a couple months after starting to work with Nurit and she really helped me stay physically and mentally balanced and made my pregnancy such a joy.

Nurit has an infectious positive energy, but she has no problem keeping you accountable to make those changes in your life. She's also extremely knowledgeable about nutrition. I would recommend her to anyone looking to feel happier and healthier in their mind and body even through big transitions and a super busy life.

Nicole Macdonald
Shelly S – Mexico City, MX

Working with Nurit has allowed me to overcome the burn-out that comes from being the last thing on my priority list and finally break the cycle of unhealthy behaviors that were so ingrained I thought I could never change them.

I have learnt to listen to my body, be conscious about how I feel, understand better what my body needs both in food and life, and ultimately prioritize myself. I love that the positive changes I have made have been manageable, completely based on my personal lifestyle and circumstances and that I now know how to maintain them in the long run!

Nicole Macdonald
Diana S – Los Angeles, CA

I originally asked Nurit for help to reduce menopause symptoms. Since my mother had breast cancer, my doctor didn’t recommend hormone replacement therapy. This resorted to trying natural methods which aren't easy to navigate on your own and I had little success with. Nurit provided me with suggestions such as certain foods to avoid and supplements and oils that really helped minimize the symptoms.

Nurit has a great positive energy and thoughtful ways of approaching problems. She is also passionate, compassionate and creative. Her background in Food Science and love for good food and a healthy lifestyle ultimately means that eating healthy doesn’t mean not eating amazing and tasty food!

She will help you learn how to fuel your body with healthy and non-processed foods in an easy way for you and your entire family. And if needed, like I did, how to apply natural methods to balance your hormones and feel much better and energized.

Nicole Macdonald