What Are The Symptoms Of Perimenopause (And How Do You Reduce Them)?

Woman super tired and with nrain fog, symptoms of perimenopause

Are you noticing changes in your body and wondering what the heck is going on?

As women age, our bodies go through changes. So many women are caught off guard by this phase in life, especially since this isn’t taught in school!

Before menopause, most women start going through perimenopause in their 40s, and sometimes starting as early as 35. This can cause lethargy, weight gain, mood swings, and so much more!

Then when the doctor dismisses your issues as just part of life and aging, it can be incredibly disheartening. But the good news is that the symptoms of perimenopause are manageable. And no, I don’t mean via prescribed hormones from your doctor. 

YInstead, you can utilize healthy foods and specific lifestyle hacks to make this phase of life your best yet!

5 Pesky Perimenopause Symptoms & How To Get Them Under Control

Identifying your symptoms is the first step. The second step is establishing the right routines and habits that work for you. 

1. Irregular Periods & Out Of Whack Hormones Have You Reminiscing About High School (For The Wrong Reasons)

Do you remember what it was like to be a teenager with your hormones all over the place? Between acne, a short temper, and sometimes being a little too quick to cry – getting through the teenage years as a female was hard enough. No wonder we thought teenage breakups were literally the end of the world. But the changes perimenopause brings mean we get to go on the hormone rollercoaster all over again 🙃.

The good news is that:

1) You are older and wiser. Cheers to that! 🥂 

2) Science has come a long way and backs many holistic practices that prove you truly can manage your symptoms through a healthy lifestyle.

As perimenopause begins, you may notice a range of symptoms. Some women first notice their period becoming increasingly irregular. Other women notice other symptoms of their hormones getting a little (or a lot) out of control. There are many different symptoms that come with perimenopause, and no two people have the same experience. But if you feel like something is off, then listen to your body because that’s probably your hormones crying for help!

Did you know that a healthy diet is essential to managing your perimenopause symptoms? Yep, it’s true!

When you hit the grocery store, focus on sticking to the perimeter of the store. This is where the whole, natural, hormone-regulating foods live. And including these foods in your diet is key to getting your hormones back on track.

Trying to figure out the right diet for your perimenopause symptoms? Schedule a discovery call with me to learn how my program can help you feel amazing again!

2. Daytime Fatigue & Restless Sleep Are Making It Difficult To Get Through Your To-Do List

Does daytime fatigue make you dread the to-do list in front of you? Especially for ambitious women who are used to getting it all done with energy to spare, it is the worst!

Then, when it’s finally time to get in bed and fall asleep, all that energy you had been craving during the day floods your body. Next thing you know, your heart is pounding, your mind is racing, and you can’t stop thinking about all you didn’t finish today and all the tasks waiting for you tomorrow. 

No, you are not losing your mind. 

But you can thank your hormones for the irregular energy, anxiousness, and misplaced energy.

Syncing up with your circadian rhythm is key to getting the rest you need so you have energy at the right times. To do this, get on a bedtime routine to help you relax at night. This could be reading a book, soaking in the bath, drawing the blackout curtains, meditating, having sex, listening to relaxing music, or whatever puts your mind at ease.

Then, get some sun in your eyes first thing in the morning. Vitamin D will help you absorb other nutrients your body needs. Plus, the sunlight increases serotonin production which converts into melatonin about 12 hours later, helping you to fall asleep. This is how that morning sun helps your body acclimate to the circadian rhythm of the earth. After a little practice, you’ll be sleeping easy and getting through your days full of energy.

Furthermore, incorporating any type of movement into your daily routine expels excess energy that can surface as anxiety at night. It may not be easy at first, but if you prioritize your health and make movement a non-negotiable, I promise it will get easier!

3. Stubborn Weight Gain Is Making Your Pants A Little Too Tight

Do you feel like no matter what you do, your clothes just keep feeling tighter and tighter?

You may have even been tempted to jump on a trendy new diet that promises to kick those extra pounds quickly. Even if you lose a few pounds, the second you quit the diet, the weight returns. It can make you feel like you are losing control!

But here’s the thing… Fad diets don’t work and aren’t sustainable for a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, constricting diets may lead to low blood sugar. This can cause a lack of energy, reduced movement, weight gain, and an all-around bad mood. 

As a Holistic Nutrition Coach and Food Scientist, possibly the most important thing I can tell you is that you have to learn to listen to your body and give it what it needs. So the next time you hear someone saying to cut x,y, or z out of your life, do yourself a favor and cut their commentary out of your life instead. 

The truth is: there is no one size fits all, and (almost) everything is fine in moderation. In fact, if you eat whole, natural food 80-90% of the time, then you can freely indulge in the sweet treats the other 10-20% of the time. 

Making healthy food habits and movement part of your lifestyle will have you feeling and looking amazing. Your glow alone will have your friends and colleagues asking for your secrets!

Ready to get back to feeling great and fitting in your favorite outfits? Contact me today and we’ll alleviate your perimenopause symptoms together!

4. Difficulty Focusing On Tasks Leaves You Feeling Behind & Playing Catch Up

Brain fog loves to sneak up on the busiest of days. You could be hitting all the boxes with diet and exercise, but your wonky sleep and unbalanced hormones are making tasks more difficult than they should be. 

I know you’ve got a busy life, a demanding career, and people are relying on you. There’s no time for brain fog!

But it’s so important to listen to your body’s cues. 

If you feel like you are in a funk, it’s time to practice some self-love. Even if you only have 15 minutes between meetings, take a stroll around the block. 

Need a miracle to get your house in order? Outsource chores to the pros and reclaim your time. Even if it’s every once in a while, hire a house cleaner to do the dusting, laundry, dishes, and whatever else that’s been keeping you up at night. 

And don’t forget that ambitious, glass-ceiling-shattering badasses like you need to relax, too! 

While hormone balancing foods and lifestyle practices can help manage perimenopause symptoms, adding in breaks helps to calm your central nervous system – especially if you’re experiencing brain fog. Spa days and relaxing vacations are great tools for a recharge. But when that’s not possible, just take a day (or two or three) to yourself. Watch a movie, draw a bubble bath, finish that book, or just hang out without any pressing deadlines hovering over you. 

No one is going to thank you for not using your PTO, so use it up! And when you take a chance to rest, you’ll come back more energized and with a healthier mindset. Your colleagues will be so impressed (and maybe a little jealous) with your productivity!

5. Stress & Anxiety Are Taking A Toll On Relationships

When our hormones lose their balance, it takes a toll on our bodies and minds. Your family might be walking on eggshells around you. Everything and everyone at work is annoying you. Just the mention of something that doesn’t normally bother you has your ears steaming. And are you wondering where your libido went?

I’m here to tell you that nothing is wrong with you. All of these feelings and perimenopause symptoms are normal. However, I also get that you don’t want to go through life angry, annoyed, and sexless. And the good news is, you don’t have to!

Instead, work on your hormone health through a healthy lifestyle and you’ll feel your mental, emotional, and physical health improve. Here’s the best part – you don’t have to do it alone. My program is for busy, driven women just like you. Together, we will customize a plan that works for you, your body’s needs, and your schedule. And we won’t do an overhaul of your entire life. Instead, we’ll implement sustainable habits that have attainable results. 

Get Your Hormones On Track & Tell Your Symptoms To Take A Hike

You are amazing! 

You are the glue that keeps your family happy and healthy, your friends entertained, and your boss impressed. 

Plus, I know that you don’t have time for perimenopause symptoms to disrupt your life. And that is exactly why I offer my program to women who are ready to take the reins and put in the effort to manage their perimenopause symptoms. 

Ready to start feeling and looking great with energy to spare? Get in touch with me today and we’ll get started!