Are you in Perimenopause? How to navigate through it as a high achieving woman

Feeling tired? 

There’s no shame in noticing a lack of energy. After all, you are an ambitious woman with a LOT going on!

But when your career, family, and social life take up all of your time, it can be hard to tell where that lethargy is coming from. However, for women in their 40s, tiredness and other symptoms may actually be happening due to your changing hormones. It’s called perimenopause, and it’s the precursor to menopause. 

When you notice your period becoming irregular and unwanted symptoms sneak in, it’s time to face the facts – your body may be going through perimenopause. While some people may prefer to live in denial, that doesn’t help solve any problems. Accepting that bodies change and learning to adapt your lifestyle to manage symptoms is key to a happy and healthy life. And I can help! 

After all, you are a high achieving woman and you can navigate your symptoms without giving up on your dreams. Through my program, you truly can have it all! 🎉

You may not be able to stop perimenopause, but you can manage the symptoms to continue achieving goals and living an amazing life. Contact me today to learn more!

What Is Perimenopause?

Before menopause fully occurs within your body (i.e. 12 months without your period), you’ll notice signs of perimenopause. It’s the transitional period that happens before menopause. Your estrogen levels begin to decrease and menopausal-like symptoms will start. These can include lethargy, hot flashes, irregular periods, weight gain, irritability, and more. 

While you can’t stop it or turn back time, you can manage your perimenopause symptoms through a healthy lifestyle.

What is going on in Perimenopause?

It starts with hormone changes. As your estrogen production begins to decrease, your hormones are thrown out of balance. 

Remember those teenage years when your hormones were a mess? Or maybe you have a teenage daughter and are cautiously watching it happen to her. Well, as much fun as that is, I hate to tell you… It’s happening again.

Yep, the hormone imbalance that occurs during perimenopause is much like those early years after your first period. Your body continues to change, and you get to do it all again full circle.

So when you start feeling hot flashes, your patience running thin, and your pants fitting a little tighter, know that it’s normal. And unfortunately, perimenopause can last up to 4 years as a pre-cursor to menopause.

But you don’t have to live with those symptoms!

Instead, you can manage your perimenopause symptoms and get back to your amazing life. 

How To Manage Your Perimenopause Symptoms

There are so many benefits to living a healthy lifestyle! As we age, the benefits become increasingly obvious. 


Did you know that diet is a key factor in managing perimenopause symptoms?

I know, right?! 

Who knew all those doctors were on point about eating right? 🤣

OK, jokes aside, your diet really can help eliminate the symptoms that make your life harder. 

In fact, a diet made of whole, natural foods is key to managing perimenopausal symptoms. Adversely, foods high in sodium, sugar, preservatives, and anything over processed can make symptoms worse. While, yes, that includes belly bloat, it also affects much more. Your ability to sleep at night, the energy you need to get the movement your body craves, and of course, alleviating the stress of mood swings can all be supported through your diet. 

Tired of perimenopause symptoms? Together, you and I will customize a program that meets your needs and fits into your lifestyle. Contact me today to get started!

Sleep Hygiene

You know the feeling when you are so sleepy 🥱 and finally put yourself in bed. Your head hits the pillow, then BAM 💥 you are wide awake and can feel your heart pounding. There’s nothing like imbalanced hormones to throw off your sleep schedule! 

But even when sleep doesn’t come easy, you still need to put in the effort for your health and well being. There are several things you can do to help get the rest your body and mind needs:

🛏️ Buy and use the soft sheets, blackout blinds, eye mask, sound machine, and anything else you need for quality sleep

🛀 Find what helps you relax: reading, sex, meditation, or even a warm bath

🌙 Stick to a bedtime routine that allows the stress of the day to melt away

☀️ Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every night and day to set your circadian rhythm

Once you find a bedtime routine that works, stick to it! And continue to level it up. This is your “me time” and is non-negotiable. Invest in the products that help you relax. And you know that fancy night cream – use it! Don’t save your best products for a special occasion. Putting your health and well being first is always cause for celebration, so use the good stuff.

Limited Alcohol & Caffeine 

I love a strong cup of coffee and a good cocktail, but moderation is everything! Did you know that while a stiff drink may help you fall asleep, it also prevents you from reaching the deep stages of sleep your body needs?

Yep! It’s true!

So think of alcohol like you do caffeine. Don’t drink either alcohol or caffeine too close to bedtime. And when you do indulge, don’t go overboard. 

Both caffeine and alcohol can increase anxiety and disrupt your ability to get through your days and fall asleep with ease.

Stress Management

Even on your days off from work, ambitious women like yourself rarely feel like they’re having a true day off. After all, you’ve still got errands to run, a family to feed, and that social life you’ve been craving. Put erratic hormones from perimenopause on top and the stress just keeps growing. 

But it’s so important to recognize that checking all the boxes doesn’t count as stress management. Instead, you need a real outlet. For some people, this means a boxing class. Or you may find journaling and putting all your thoughts on paper to be your recipe for success. If you find yourself stressed in the middle of a workday, take a walk around the block between meetings. Get that negative energy out so you can get back to prioritizing your well being and happiness.

Weight Loss

Aside from stress and lack of sleep, perimenopause has another unfortunate side effect: weight gain. As if you aren’t busy enough to have another thing to deal with!

But when your favorite jeans start cutting into your belly a little too much, there’s no denying the fact. Between belly bloat and added pounds, you just don’t feel like yourself.

By focusing on your diet and moving your body every day, you can shed those pounds and keep them off. My program works for women just like you because I customize the program around each client. We’re not starting from scratch, because it doesn’t work for people who already have chaotic lives. Instead, we find what fits into your lifestyle for sustainable changes that allow attainable results. 

Manage Your Perimenopause Without Skipping A Beat

Through my personal and professional life experiences, I’ve met so many women who just want to figure out how to feel great, look great, and have the energy they need to live their best life. But when the inescapable parts of life happen, like perimenopause, too many women think, “Welp, that’s it for my dreams 😕.”

I’m here to tell you THAT 👏 IS 👏 NOT 👏 THE 👏 CASE!  

In fact, through a healthy lifestyle and the right foods, many women find themselves feeling happier, healthier, sexier, and even more energized than before perimenopause. And my program can help you get there, too. 

The best part is you don’t have to give up the things you love, because everything is fine in moderation. And it’s not about eliminating everything from your diet either. Instead, we will implement gradual changes that fit with your lifestyle so that you can see real results.

Ready to make this next chapter the best part of your life? Get in touch with me today and we’ll get started!