How to Destress When Your Busy Schedule Won't Stop

relaxing, journaling, flower, How To De-Stress When Your Busy Schedule Won’t Stop

Keeping the pounds off is difficult under normal circumstances. But there are seasons in our lives that feel like anything but normal. Whether it's your work, kids, partner, or a messy house, there is no shortage of things to keep us occupied and stressed. Then, add on the fact that as us women reach 40+ years of age, we have perimenopause to deal with. Our hormones start to change, metabolism slows down, muscle mass decreases, and more. And all of this increases stress, and unfortunately, can also cause us to gain unwanted extra weight. 

In fact, if you feel like you are chronically dealing with high-stress levels, you might start to notice one of the long-term side effects – weight gain. It’s not your fault! When our bodies are stressed, they release a hormone called cortisol. This is the body’s natural alarm system, and it can sharply increase your appetite. Elevated levels of cortisol can also make losing weight extremely difficult. 

Even though we can’t help how our bodies react to stress, we can take steps to start managing our stress and preventing weight gain. Together, we can lose those extra pounds, regain energy, and feel fully present in our lives. 

You don’t have to choose between your health and your lifestyle. You can have it all! Book a discovery call today, and we’ll get started customizing a plan just for you.

My Top 7 Favorite Ways To Destress When I Don’t Have The Time

We all wish we could escape to a spa for the weekend – now that’s a way to destress! Here are my favorite ways to get centered for all those other days when there’s no time for a deep tissue massage.

1. Meditation

Meditation has helped relieve stress for thousands of years. And you don’t need a dark room or a hundred lit candles to practice meditation. Even if you are just in your office or sitting in your car, finding a moment for yourself can do wonders for your stress levels. Just close your eyes, take deep breaths, and let those intrusive thoughts slip away. 

If you need some help getting started, there are dozens of helpful apps you can download right to your phone. Check out the Calm app, and browse through their extensive library of free guided meditations and Sleep Stories. 

2. Practice Gratitude

If we want to fight stress on a hormonal level, we must practice gratitude and self love. I know it can be hard on those busy days when bouncing between meetings or balancing your kids’ soccer and dance practices. 

But when we express thankfulness for the little things in our lives, our body releases dopamine and serotonin. Nothing calms me down quicker than taking a moment to realize just how lucky I truly am. Even on the most stressful day, stopping to appreciate my health, family, or home always makes a difference. 

3. Lean On Your Support System

You don’t have to struggle through stressful days alone. No matter where you are, it only takes a minute to send a text to a loved one and let them know you are having a hard day. Just reminding yourself that you have people around you, who love you and care about you, can reduce your anxiety. 

And remember, they won’t know that you need help unless you ask. So be sure to ask your spouse to run those errands. See if your sister has time to pick up your curbside grocery order. While you are lightening your load, send the dirty laundry off to wash and fold.

Other days, your support system might be able to lift your spirits just by offering an encouraging word. Either way, speaking your truth and letting your feelings be known can be very healing. 

Let me join your support system. Together, we’ll build a program just for you to help you feel and look amazing. Book a discovery call with me today!

4. Exercise & Stretch

I know, I know! These are supposed to be destressing tips for when you are low on time. But you can take 5-10 minutes of your day to move your body in organic ways. Our bodies love to move, and even just a little bit of exercise can relieve the stress you are carrying on your neck or shoulders. 

Just put your favorite music on while you clean and let yourself enjoy the music. Dancing, even just a little, can really get your blood pumping and those endorphins flowing. Letting yourself belt out your favorite tunes is sure to have extra mood-boosting benefits, too! So, grab your duster and take center stage in your living room. 

If you are struggling to get moving at your office, taking a walk around the block is the perfect way to clear your mind, get fresh air, and move your body. We can eliminate so much of our stress just by giving our bodies the little bits of attention they deserve. If you can find the time, half an hour of moderate exercise can lead to some serious, destressing benefits. As your body starts to release endorphins, you’ll feel the stress melt away. 

5. Write It Out

Writing out your thoughts and feelings can be a great stress management tool. Grab a pen and paper and write down those intrusive thoughts. If you are an internal processor, those thoughts might be bouncing around your head all day, sending you deeper and deeper into a stress spiral. 

Instead of driving yourself crazy, write out the facts. Writing can be so therapeutic! Give yourself time to spend journaling. Whether with prompts or free pages, let it all out. And don’t worry what someone might think – this is for you! Write about the person who stole your parking spot, the eye roll you received when returning a purchase, or even how your kids, spouse, colleagues, or friends might be getting on your nerves. It’s amazing how much pressure will release from your shoulders when you put your feelings down on paper. It’s important to remember that your feelings are valid. They are real things, whether or not anyone else understands why you are feeling them. 

Try to get to the root of what is bothering you. Sometimes, our stress comes from a much deeper place than a busy day, and we can’t ignore that. It doesn’t take long, and by the end of this exercise, you’ll have actually moved through any inefficient or self-deprecating thought processes. You can even use this list as a reference when discussing your stress with others or reference it throughout the day to keep you focused. Little moments of self-reflection like these can do wonders for healing from the stress of your week. 

Whether you are trying to move on from trauma or striving to focus and rock your to-do list, journaling can be a huge help!

6. Make A Meal Plan

Does the “What’s for dinner?” question fill you with dread?

Instead of reaching for frozen pizza because it’s easy, you can take a little time for yourself and plan your meals for the week. Dedicate some time to looking through my delicious and nutritious recipes that will leave you feeling energized. When you show up at the grocery store, you’ll have confidence in your plan – instead of frantically throwing anything and everything into your cart.

If you are stressed out trying to cook for you and your family, making a meal plan (or even just a grocery list) can fix those fears. My biggest tip for making quick meals just takes 3 simple steps. I love bowls and salads because they’re so easy to make. Most days, I throw some protein and veggies in the oven and plate them with some greens. Once you start experimenting with different sauces and seasonings, the combinations are really limitless. You can establish a solid rotation of 10-20 meals and throw in a new, exciting recipe whenever you want to spice things up.

7. Set Appointments With Yourself

Setting boundaries for yourself is an important part of managing stress. You take all the appointments you set with other people seriously. And you make time to keep your word. Start setting appointments with yourself and treat those times just as seriously. You can even pencil these into your hectic work schedule to ensure the stress of your career isn’t affecting your health.

Schedule ‘me time’ in your planner. Whether it’s for 10 minutes or an hour, set a real time frame for relaxation. Then, make goals for this time. Are you dying to catch up on your favorite show? Have you been meaning to call and catch up with your best friend? Treat these appointments as non-negotiable. Anything else that is going on in your life can wait until after this time. 

Not only will you thank yourself for these intentional moments of relaxation, but you’ll have something to look forward to throughout the day. When you are in the middle of your afternoon slump, remind yourself that you have your favorite appointment of the day coming soon. 

Learn How You Can Manage Your Stress & Life

The ways we prioritize stress management in our day-to-day lives are fundamental to our long-term health. Not only will you achieve a greater hormone balance and, as a result, get a handle on your perimenopause symptoms, but you’ll start to see the results on the scale as well. 

Fighting with stress while trying to lose weight will only lead to burning the candle at both ends. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Together, we can make a plan that fits your lifestyle and lets you conquer your days.

As a Holistic Nutrition Coach and Food Scientist, I can help you take back your busy life. Book a discovery call with me today!