How To Eat Healthy In A Hurry

Want to know a secret?

I eat healthy – but I don’t spend hours in the kitchen whipping up nutritious meals. Because, honestly, just like you – I am super busy!

Instead, I fill my kitchen with wholesome ingredients. Then, when it’s time to eat, I have everything I need to whip up delicious and nutritious foods in a matter of minutes.

There’s a misconception that convenient foods must be processed and bought in a drive-thru. But in reality, you can have health-promoting handy meals and snacks on hand all the time. It just takes a little foresight and planning. I promise, just a little!

And let me tell you, I know that convenience matters. As a woman with a demanding career, a family I love, and my own social life – figuring out “how to have it all” can feel far fetched. 

But guess what?

You CAN have it all. You can be an attentive mother, loving wife, badass boss in the workplace – all while being happy, healthy, rested, and energized.

Eating Healthy In Minutes, Not Hours

So all of that sounds great, right? 

But are you sitting there wondering how one person can be all the things she wants to be and still have any bit of energy left? 

I once got in over my head, too. I was so focused on my career and family that I let the self-care I need in my life slide. 

Eventually, my jeans were a little too tight. My favorite dress wasn’t zipping up so easily. I was bloated, tired, and my to-list alone made me feel nauseous just thinking about it. Plus, I just really wasn’t feeling beautiful and it was painful to look in the mirror.

That’s when I made the choice to finally prioritize myself. That’s right. Me! And yes, I was scared that some aspects of my life might fall through the cracks, but I was determined.

With a few days off work, I chose to really rest. That’s when it hit me. I needed to focus on the foods that were entering my body. No more grab-and-go processed snacks. Instead, it was time to make a practical plan to put my health first. 

Do you know what happened next?

Suddenly, I had the energy I had been craving. My professional and personal lives once again brought me happiness and confidence. Hitting workout classes was no longer a chore but actually left me feeling even better.

And the best part? I learned to plan ahead for those busy mornings, lunches on the go, and late dinners. That bit of planning became my saving grace because I am now always prepared to eat healthy – even when I’m in a hurry.

Prioritizing your health doesn’t have to mean a total restructuring of your life. In my program, you and I will customize a plan just for you. Something that works, is attainable, and shows results. Book a discovery call with me to get started.

How To Make Healthy Food In 3 Simple Steps

Yes, you read that right. I make healthy food (that is delicious by the way) in 3 simple steps. And for me, as a foodie, it has to be delicious or it’s not worth the effort. These quick and tasty meals fuel me with the energy I need to conquer each day without taking over my schedule. And don’t worry, I’m not taking my tips and tricks to the grave. Read on to learn how busy, career-driven women (even those with families) really can have it all.

1. Start With Wholesome Ingredients

It starts with the groceries you put in your house. 

If the grocery store tends to steer you wrong (you know that quick walk through the cookie aisle), think of an alternative. 

First, when you are in the store – stick to the periphery. This is where all the whole foods live, as opposed to the pre-packed processed foods that hang out in the middle aisles.

Additionally, there are so many options for grocery shopping these days that can help you avoid temptation in the snack aisle. Consider ordering curbside pickup at the grocery store. If you are never setting foot in the store, you won’t even have the chance to consider the Oreos. 

There are other options, too. Several services will deliver your groceries right to your door. Furthermore, you can even sign up for a grocery subscription. Yes, it exists, is a huge time saver, and helps eliminate waste of excess foods from local and global food manufacturers. 

Having trouble figuring out which foods are right for your body? As a Food Scientist and Holistic Nutrition Coach, I can help you find the right foods that will make you feel fabulous. Book a discovery call with me to get started.

2. Avoid Processed Foods With Long Lists Of Ingredients

The food industry has done us dirty for too long. Things are labeled as healthy, sugar-free, low fat, and so on. But you haven’t come this far in your career, and life, to fall for those tricks. 

Make sure you are really looking at the ingredients. If there are items you can’t even pronounce or your Grandma wouldn’t know, then it’s better to keep them out of your cart.

Instead, choose whole, natural foods with transparent ingredients you can understand. 

Because here’s the thing, those foods with super complex ingredient names are often packed with preservatives and processed without your health in mind.

3. Keep It To 5 Ingredients Max

Ok, now for whipping up something great without having to rearrange your schedule. 

Choose 5 things to include in your meal. I love to make bowls and salads with protein and vegetables. To do this, I like to roast a protein (like fish) with some veggies in the oven, then simply place them in a bed of greens. 

The best part of this is how customizable bowls and salads can be. You can choose chicken, beef, fish, tofu, or whatever you have on hand. Then, simply choose a few veggies to chop up. If you are in the mood for a hot meal, throw the ingredients on the skillet to warm them up.

The secret here is to keep it simple. There’s no need to go overboard with sauces or overthink flavor profiles. You’ve already stocked your kitchen with wholesome ingredients your body and taste buds crave. Now you just throw a few ingredients together and voila!

Add Veggies & Greens

Bland colors of food often provide bland tasting meals. It’s so important to eat a rainbow of foods. So throw some color in there! 

Leafy greens and other colorful vegetables are full of the nutrients your body needs to get you through your busy schedule. And most veggies taste really great together. Furthermore, the different colors of fruits and vegetables reflect the various nutrients and benefits your body needs – so don’t forget to mix it up!

How Eating Healthy Promotes Wellness & Abundance

Feeding your body with the right foods is the self love that makes the other parts of your life fall in place. 

Tell That Extra Weight, “See Ya Never!”

Not only does a nutrient-filled diet make you feel good, but it also means you are not loading up on sugar, carbs, and the other things that make you feel ugh. 

Plus, you’ll have the energy to take those walks between meetings, attend pilates classes, lift weights – whatever your exercise of choice is, you’ll be empowered to make it count. 

And if your schedule is sometimes too packed for a class or a long walk, that’s ok, too. Dance your way through your household chores. Shake your hips while you are picking out the day’s outfit. Just move. 

That movement paired with a healthy diet will tell that extra weight, “Hasta la vista, baby!”

Sleep Soundly At Night & Feel Energized During The Day

The rut of eating fast food does more than add weight and drain energy. It can really affect your ability to sleep soundly at night. 

But once your kitchen is stocked with wholesome foods and your body is getting movement, sleep becomes easier. A good night’s rest makes for a refreshing next morning. 

You will love the energy you feel once your sleep routine gets back in line with your health goals. 

Distractions Take A Hike

Brain fog is a real thing. A lacking diet certainly makes it worse. 

When you fill your plates with wholesome foods that power your body, it affects your brain just as much as your booty. 

You’ll feel the clouds part in your mind and really be able to focus on your tasks at hand. And finally, you will be able to conquer your to-do list!

You Just Feel Good Inside & Out

We all want to look good, but feeling good is a whole lot better. Moreover, looking and feeling good is THE BEST! 

The benefits of eating whole, natural foods will shine through you from the inside out. Yes, those tight jeans will zip – but the glow on your face is what will get the attention.

Eat Right & Feel Great Every Day – I Can Help!

As a Holistic Nutrition Coach and Food Scientist, it’s safe to say I’ve spent my fair share of time in the kitchen. For me, it’s a love language. One that has inspired my life and my career. 

But I also know not everyone has time (or energy) to dedicate that amount of time to cooking. That is why I am on a mission to empower other busy women, like you, to take back control of their lives without rearranging them.

My program introduces attainable changes into your life that you can really stick to. I’m not trying to recreate the wheel here. Instead, we’re going to get you back on the right health track so you can be the badass you are at home, work, and anywhere you choose to thrive!

Ready to stop feeling “meh” and start feeling like the boss you are? Book a discovery call with me today!