Nurit Raich

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Foods to Avoid During Peri|Menopause (And What to Eat Instead)

Did you know that inflammation may be a key aspect of the hormone changes causing your perimenopause symptoms? 

Inflammation is more than a throbbing knee after joining your kids on the trampoline. In fact, inflammation can happen throughout your entire body, causing pain, redness, swelling, acne, and so much more. But the sore knee after a few too many jumps – that is acute inflammation. And it is a sign your body is responding to an acute injury or infection and fighting off foreign invaders like bacteria.

However, the decline in estrogen during perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause can also cause inflammation. Yep, that estrogen your body has been pumping all these years is actually anti-inflammatory. 

If untreated, chronic inflammation can lead to serious issues like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, allergies, psoriasis, and more. However, inflammation doesn’t just affect your long-term health. In fact, if you’ve been experiencing weight gain, struggling with concentration, or lacking sleep, it’s important to realize that these symptoms may be a result of inflammation. For anyone going through perimenopause, inflammation can feel like your worst enemy. 

But there’s good news! You can actively reduce inflammation by avoiding certain foods during perimenopause. I know you are a busy woman with 102 things on your to-do list, and we’re not recreating the wheel here. And as a result, you will also reduce your pesky perimenopause symptoms.

Start Reducing Inflammation & Get Your Perimenopause Symptoms Under Control

This may surprise you, but the foods you are eating may lead to increased inflammation. I’ve found that many women feel overwhelmed trying to figure out what to eat and what foods to avoid.

It can be a tricky path to follow alone, but through my personal experience and expertise as a Holistic Nutrition Coach and Food Scientist, I can be your guide. Together, we’ll figure out what foods you should eat and what foods to avoid to reduce inflammation during perimenopause.

Correlation Of Inflammation, Perimenopause Symptoms & Your Diet

While almost everything is fine in moderation, you may want to rethink your cheat days if certain foods are triggering your symptoms. If you are like a lot of other women in perimenopause, then hormone changes and inflammation may be causing:

  • Weight gain

  • Headaches

  • Acne

  • Hot flashes

  • Decreased libido

  • Bloating

  • Mood swings

  • Daytime fatigue

  • Sleepless nights

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

But you can restructure your diet to focus on whole, natural foods, and help yourself manage these symptoms. 

This is one of the parts I love helping my clients with, and I can help you, too!

Ready to decrease inflammation and get your perimenopause symptoms under control without uprooting your entire life? My program is designed for busy women just like you. Reach out today and let’s get started!

7 Foods & Drinks That May Be Causing Inflammation & Worsening Your Perimenopause Symptoms 

While there are plenty of anti-inflammatory, hormone-regulating foods that can help manage your perimenopause symptoms, here are some foods you should really consider avoiding.

1. Sugar

Perimenopause symptoms are your cue to retrain your sweet tooth. Excess sugar wreaks havoc on your hormones, can increase inflammation, and it’s definitely a culprit of extra belly fat. Plus, there’s sugar in more foods than you might realize, like bread and sauces. So try to stick to whole foods and check the ingredients of everything you buy.

2. Processed Foods

The human body is fascinating in many ways, including how everything is connected. Poor gut health can contribute to inflammation and fluctuating hormones, causing symptoms of depression and anxiety. This is why my program teaches you how to choose the right foods and how to shop the store strategically (and quickly!).

3. Gluten

If you have even a slight gluten sensitivity, it may affect you more than you know. The same cause of the inflammatory response in the digestive tract you may feel from gluten also interferes with the adrenal glands’ ability to function properly. This is because gluten may cause inflammation, making your body produce cortisol, thus affecting the adrenals and creating a hormone imbalance

4. Dairy

Chances are you are fully aware if you are lactose intolerant. The symptoms like gas, diarrhea, and bloating can be hard to ignore. Whether or not you are lactose intolerant, dairy might worsen your perimenopause symptoms.

Foods that are high in saturated fats, like cheese and full-fat dairy products, can increase inflammation. This, of course, can trigger those perimenopause symptoms you would rather live without.

However, this isn’t to say all dairy is bad. For instance, yogurt is associated with reduced inflammation and decreased insulin resistance. Plus, the probiotics found in yogurt can be good for your gut health.

5. Spicy Foods

If you are experiencing hot flashes, then you should limit spicy foods. Even if you love the heat when you are eating, spiciness can trigger hot flashes or even make them worse.

6. Alcohol

I love a great cocktail and a fine glass of wine, but I’ve learned that going overboard does more harm than good. The natural and added sugar in alcohol can contribute to inflammation and out-of-whack hormones that lead to belly fat and other unwelcome perimenopause symptoms. And alcohol can trigger skin-flushing hot flashes or worsen already-in-motion hot flashes. 

7. Caffeine

If your perimenopause symptoms include hot flashes, anxiety, or fluctuating blood pressure, then caffeine may not be your best friend right now. But I also get that cutting out coffee cold turkey isn’t always a great option. So try to gradually transition to decaf coffee or herbal teas. And at the very least, limit your caffeine intake.

Wondering how to choose the right foods and make the best lifestyle choices? Through my program, we can customize a plan to get you back to feeling and looking great. Get in touch and let’s get this hormone-regulating party started!

Incorporate These Foods Into Your Regular Diet To Reduce Inflammation & Combat Perimenopause Symptoms

While everything is fine in moderation, it’s important to stick to the 80/20 or 90/10 method. This means eating the right foods 80-90% of the time and limiting your indulgences to 10-20%. These foods will help reduce your unwelcome symptoms so you can get back to looking and feeling great!

Check out my favorite recipes for healthy, delicious hormone-regulating inspiration!

Cruciferous Vegetables

A daily serving of broccoli sprouts, broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, or bok choy is so important for a hormone-healthy diet. These anti-inflammatory and antioxidant leafy green veggies are high in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. And the gut-healing and detoxifying properties help to fight several perimenopause symptoms, including:

  • Daytime fatigue

  • Restless nights

  • Lethargy

  • Exhaustion

  • Weight gain

  • Inflammation

  • And more!


The healthy fats of Omega-3 foods can really help reduce many perimenopause symptoms like:

  • Hair loss

  • Headaches

  • Fatigue

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Trouble focusing

  • Inflammation

  • Acne

  • And add more benefits to your overall health!

You can add Omega-3 into your diet by eating wild-caught fish, egg yolks, flaxseed, hemp seeds, and tree nuts. 

Lean Protein

Make sure to include lean meats into your diet and pair them with fiber and healthy fat. This will give you the energy you need to power through your busy days. Plus, this combination of protein, fiber, and fat will help stabilize your blood sugar throughout the day and reduce inflammation.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It may not be the tastiest, but taking 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) before meals can help you better absorb the vitamins and minerals from the healthy foods you are eating. Plus, it’s a great detoxifying agent that promotes digestion, reduces inflammation, and has other great benefits for a healthy life. 

Set Yourself Up For Manageable Perimenopause

Your lifestyle choices can greatly affect your overall health, both physical and mental. When the ugly side of perimenopause starts showing itself, that’s your cue to make the proper adjustments. Reducing inflammation through your diet is a great place to start!

My program is designed for my fellow ambitious, high-achieving women who need attainable goals that won’t disrupt their already busy lives. As a Holistic Nutrition Coach and Food Scientist, my life revolves around food – and I have a not-so-secret love affair with foods that are simultaneously healthy and delicious. By partnering healthy foods with other perimenopause-friendly lifestyle hacks, I can help you get your perimenopause symptoms under control.

If you are ready to decrease inflammation and kick your perimenopause symptoms to the curb, I can help you get there. Together, you and I will develop a plan that fits in with your current lifestyle and meets your body’s needs. Get in touch with me today and we’ll get started!