My Proven Strategies for Setting Health Goals that Will Stick

New year, new you. Right?

If only it were that easy!

Your health and wellness are a top priority on your to-do list. But life happens, things get in the way, and your wellbeing once again gets put on the back burner.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t make an impactful change in your life and find relief from perimenopause symptoms. Instead, it just means you may need support to figure out how to make the changes you want to see in your life. 

The power of accountability can go a long way in making an actionable plan (and sticking to it). Here are 5 steps to give you a head start on kicking off the new year with attainable health goals. 

5 Steps To Be The Best Version Of Yourself In The New Year & Beyond

Start the new year on the right foot and let yourself shine! Here are 5 tips to stop holding yourself back and finally feel and look amazing.

You can be your best self, but you don’t have to do it alone. Schedule a discovery call to learn more about my Uplevel Group Program. 

1. Make A Commitment To Your Present & Future Self

You know that part about making yourself a priority, but then other things get in the way?

This is your sign to cut 👏 that 👏 out 👏!

If you, like so many other women, have trouble putting yourself first, it’s time to expand your perspective. Otherwise, you’ll be trying to fill other areas of your life (and your loved ones’ lives) with an empty cup. And not only does that not work, but it also leads to burnout.

Moreover, think of your health on a larger scale in terms of longevity. You may be thinking that you’d like to lose weight for an upcoming trip, feel better by this weekend, or have enough energy to enjoy your kids’ upcoming tournament weekend. 

But what about how you will look and feel in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?

Your future self, energy levels, waistline, and overall health can benefit (or suffer) from the decisions that you make today. So pencil in non-negotiable appointments with yourself to meditate, exercise, eat well, and practice self love. And this time, don’t bail on the commitments you are making to yourself. Your future self can’t stand up for herself yet. But you can start fighting for her now.

2. Find Self Care Practices That Work For You

I want you right now to take a pause and think about what self care means to you.

You’d be surprised how many people think they’re practicing self care, when all they’re really doing is fulfilling obligations to other people.

If you are an avid runner, you may enjoy that alone time outside in nature. But are you running because you love it? Or are you running as punishment for overindulging the night before? If it’s the latter, then this is not self care!

What’s important is to find a way to care for yourself in a loving way. This can include:

  • Soaking in a candle-lit bath with calming music

  • Leisurely walking around the neighborhood

  • Reading a book for pleasure, not because you have to

  • Simply laying on the floor and staring up at the ceiling doing nothing at all

The big takeaway here is that you are the person who defines what self care means. Find what brings you joy and fills your cup, and start doing it on a regular basis. 

3. Identify What Parts Of Your Routine Work (& Don’t Work)

Do you ever feel like something is just not working?

This is your sign to stop forcing it!

Instead, evaluate what is and is not working. Whether that be just in general, or just for you. Because it is possible that the routine you are trying to make happen works perfectly well for someone else. But no two people are the same. So rather than hurt your own feelings with unfair comparisons, take the time to figure out what works for you!

For instance, are you waking up 3 hours earlier than necessary and then feeling sluggish all day? Try giving yourself a break and sleep in a little more. 

When you go to sleep at night, are you staring into the darkness for hours struggling to get some rest? Then it’s time to overhaul your bedtime routine. 

A great way to get into a good (and healthy) morning and nighttime routine is to think about your circadian rhythm. The goal is to have your circadian rhythm in sync with the rise and fall of the sun. And yes, your morning and bedtime routine do affect each other. 

Aim for 30 minutes of sunshine on your skin in the mornings. This helps you start your day off right, gives you Vitamin D, and actually aids in your natural melatonin production 12 hours later. 

However, don’t stop at your morning and bedtime routines. Think about all your regular routines throughout the day. Free yourself to change things up so that you can be both happier and healthier. 

Ready to make real changes to start looking and feeling better? Schedule a discovery call to learn more about my Uplevel program today!

4. Fill Your Kitchen With Life Serving Foods

Want to know the best way to avoid eating foods that don’t serve your health and lifestyle goals?

It’s pretty simple. Stop buying them!

However, I know it can be hard to avoid tossing foods you are used to eating into your grocery cart. That’s why my program teaches you to shop successfully.

If there’s a snack that may not be the healthiest but you can’t imagine living without it, that’s okay, too!

My program urges you to eat a 90/10 or 80/20 diet. This means eating the whole, natural foods your body truly needs 80-90% of the time. Then allow yourself to indulge the other 10-20% of the time. But once you start eating fresh, whole foods, you’ll probably start craving them more than your once favorite sweets. 

Plus, when you stock up on the right ingredients at home, it’s easy to get into the routine of cooking once to eat twice. All you need are the basics to make quick and healthy meals at home.

5. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Have you seen the memes that say Beyonce has the same 24 hours in a day as the rest of us?

While this might be a drastic comparison, it is incredibly unfair to assume that we can all accomplish the same amount of work in any given timeframe. Whether it be Beyonce, Oprah, or your next door neighbor – our lives are NOT all the same. How boring would that be anyway?

The truth is that various factors may dictate what you are capable of. This may include finances, family size, mobility, location, and so much more. Unfortunately, social media is constantly showing us the perfectionism that so many people want other people to believe about them. But that’s just a filtered and finely manicured perspective. It’s important to remember that what we see on social media and in magazines about celebrities is not real life.

Furthermore, someone who is often posting photos from lavish trips, weekly spa days, etc. – that doesn’t mean they are better than you. If anything, it’s only a peek into how they prioritize their time and money. 

What matters more than anything is what is important to you. If you are ready to get your perimenopause symptoms under control, then your health should be your top priority. And on this journey, you’ll invest in quality foods, maybe some exercise classes, and hopefully some new clothes to show off your rockin’ body.

Kick Off The New Year With The Uplevel Group Program

How long have you been saying you are finally going to prioritize your health and wellness? When you keep making and breaking promises to yourself, it’s time for a change. 

If you are really ready to make strategic changes to incorporate healthy eating and living into your life to truly balance those pesky hormones, then it’s time to ask for help. 

The Uplevel is a group coaching program to, you guessed it, uplevel your life! Together, we’ll create an actionable plan that will guide you on your path to health. You will get the reboot and guidance you need to refocus and achieve your health goals.

Ready to uplevel your health? Schedule a discovery call with me to get started.