Nurit Raich

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Top Foods To Boost Libido During Perimenopause & Menopause

We can run but we can’t necessarily hide from the symptoms of aging. 

Unfortunately for many women, this includes a decrease in libido that results in…let’s just say the bedroom may not be as fun as it once was. 

This lack of sexual motivation only seems to get worse during perimenopause and the closer we get to menopause. Likely be a direct result of your fluctuating hormones, which can be super frustrating!

But like so many symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, you don’t have to live like this. In fact, you can help yourself naturally get in the mood and enjoy sex with hormone-regulating foods. 

Yep, the same advice I give to help curb the side effects of perimenopause like extra belly fat, headaches, brain fog, and more have a crossover with the top foods to boost libido. 

So time to get cooking something delicious and plan your next date night!

9 Superfoods To Spice Up Your Sex Life During Perimenopause

Out-of-whack hormone levels may be throwing off your estrogen and testosterone levels. This paired with other overwhelming perimenopause symptoms can make it hard to get in the mood.

Rather than accept that this is just the stage of your relationship with your significant other (or yourself), put these foods on your plate to get back into the sexy swing of things again.  

Want to get back to looking and feeling confident and sexy? Schedule a discovery call with me today!

1. Raw Oysters

Of course, we have to start with the staple aphrodisiac. From Hollywood, literature, and hundreds of years of tradition, oysters have long been known to be the romantic appetizer to get couples in the mood. 

A serving of raw oysters contains more zinc than any other food you can find. Zinc increases testosterone (yes, women need it, too!) and dopamine. This may help to increase your feel-good hormones for mood and sexual stimulation. 

2. Maca

Another ancient, libido-boosting food is the Peruvian maca root. Being a cruciferous vegetable, maca is packed full of nutrients your body needs during perimenopause and menopause. 

Maca contains flavonoids that reduce anxiety and enhance your mood – which makes it a perfect food for when those mood swings are getting to be a bit much. Furthermore, maca is known to boost energy and endurance. So not only does it help you feel good, it will help you have a night to remember. 

3. Strawberries

There’s a reason that strawberries are often shown in seductive scenes. And it’s not just because they’re pretty, tasty, and juicy. In fact, strawberries are high in libido boosting Vitamin C. 

Whether you eat them on their own or dip them in chocolate for a bigger aphrodisiac hit, strawberries are a great snack to keep around. 

Need help figuring out what foods and lifestyle changes will balance your hormones and boost your libido? Schedule a discovery call with me today!

4. Pomegranate

Like the strawberries above, the pomegranate’s deep red color alludes to sweet picnics with your partner (and other romantic activities).

However, there’s more to the seductive science than just the color of love. In fact, pomegranates increase testosterone levels in women and men. This means that both sexes can experience heightened sexual desire from a daily snack or fresh cup of juice. That being said, don’t be afraid to share with your partner!

Furthermore, the high level of antioxidants is also known to increase sensitivity down there. This can also help to alleviate vaginal dryness, making sex that much more pleasurable.

What’s that? Adding more pomegranates to your shopping list? Thought so!

5. Figs

Did you know that figs were reportedly Cleopatra’s favorite fruit? 

In addition to the ancient Egyptians, many cultures associate figs with sexuality. This is due to what many claim is an erotic shape to the fruit. 

However, figs are also high in flavonoids, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants which all significantly contribute to an increased libido.

6. Legumes & Seeds

Legumes and seeds are often high in hormone-balancing protein and other nutrients your body needs during perimenopause. In addition to fighting off belly fat and curbing those annoying headaches and brain fog, legumes and seeds are also libido-boosting superfoods.

Arginine is an amino acid found in legumes and seeds known to boost libido. Moreover, arginine also increases sexual satisfaction and even the frequency that perimenopausal women want to have sex. 

7. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are the powerhouse plant with so many great nutrients to help you lose weight, feel great, and you guessed it – boost libido!

Leafy greens get rid of harmful estrogen and help balance it. Together with testosterone, it can help increase libido. Moreover, the antioxidant properties also block environmental contaminants that could otherwise increase sexual dysfunction.

8. Salmon & Other Fish High In Omega 3s

Bring on the sushi! 

A Harvard study found that couples who eat fish at least twice a week have sex more than those who don’t. In fact, these couples reported having sex at a frequency that is 22% higher than couples who either don’t eat fish or eat fish less frequently.

The high levels of omega 3 fatty acids, iron, protein, and other vitamins help to balance hormones. As a result, including fish in your diet can help you to lose weight and increase your libido. Go ahead, book those reservations or plan a healthy, romantic seafood dinner at home.  

9. Lobster & Crab

You may be noticing a seafood pattern when it comes to libido-boosting superfoods, and you are not wrong!

Like oysters and fatty fish, lobster and crab are also natural aphrodisiacs that contain many nutrients your body needs during perimenopause and menopause.

When it comes to preparing for a fun night with your partner, lobster and/or crab is a great dinner option. For starters, both meats are high in protein but low in fat. This is ideal for keeping endurance up without feeling sluggish and tired. 

Additionally, the protein found in lobster and crab helps to boost dopamine and norepinephrine. When your brain produces these chemicals, it naturally increases sensitivity to touch and your other senses. 

Thrive Through Perimenopause With A Program Designed Just For You

Perimenopause throws a lot your way. From extra belly fat and sleepless nights to mood swings and decreased libido, you may not be feeling your best self these days.

Plus, you are a busy woman with too much going on to try every quick fix out there. Instead, you need a program centered around you and your unique symptoms. 

Through my program, we will get to the root cause of your perimenopause symptoms and come up with a plan you can stick to that will give you real results. 

What do you say? Ready to look and feel sexier, lighter, and all around amazing? Schedule a discovery call with me today and let’s get started.