5 Habits To Create During Perimenopause To Relieve Symptoms

Are you feeling out of sorts from new belly fat, fatigue, mood swings, and other perimenopause symptoms?

With this phase of life, your hormones can quickly fall out of whack. This typically results in unpleasant symptoms. But just because you are experiencing those symptoms, it doesn’t mean they are here to stay.

In fact, you can relieve your perimenopause symptoms through hormone-regulating habits. From eating right to incorporating exercise, practicing stress relief, and more…You have the tools you need, but I can show you how to maximize them for optimal results. 

When you follow my program, we can end the overwhelm of too much information by providing a curated approach that provides real results. 

Habits To Relieve Perimenopause Symptoms So You Can Feel Your Best

When your jeans start feeling tight and brain fog sets in, it’s up to you whether to accept these symptoms or to make a change. You are in control of your life and I can help you get back in control of your hormone regulation with these 5 habits to relieve perimenopause symptoms. 

Ready to watch the belly fat and brain fog melt away? Contact me to get started on a custom plan just for you!

1. Exercise For Wellness & Movement

Moving your body is a great way to get your blood pumping, lose weight, and relieve stress.

Oftentimes, women like you with busy lives often find themselves looking for something to cut from the calendar. Unfortunately, for many people, the first thing to go is the hour you set aside for exercise. 

Maybe you can’t always make it to the gym on time. Or you struggle to muster the energy to get into your workout clothes and show up. There are a million different reasons to blow off going to the gym. 

But this is your time to get in front of your belly fat, unregulated hormones, and other perimenopause symptoms. So yes, exercise is important. But no, it doesn’t mean you have to put on a $100 matching gym outfit and spend 20 minutes searching for parking to run in at the last minute to find your spot in the trendiest exercise class.

Instead, move your body when and how you can. This can look like a set of crunches behind your desk. Or dancing around your kitchen while you prepare meals or put dishes away. 

There is also a huge variety of free, guided workout videos you can find on YouTube. I love to get in a quick 10, 20, or 30-minute HIIT workout when my schedule doesn’t allow me to get to yoga. And my favorite is just simply getting outside and going on a walk. 

2. Get Your Circadian Rhythm In Tune With Your Goals

A lack of sleep in combination with out-of-whack hormones is a recipe for worsening perimenopause symptoms. This is why it’s so important to get your sleep routine and Circadian rhythm in line with the sun and moon.

To do this, you should aim to get unfiltered sunlight in your eyes first thing in the morning and again at sunset. Both the morning and sunset sunlight will help to put your melatonin production in line with your bedtime routine. 

While 20 minutes of sunlight in the morning and at sunset is best, even 5 minutes can do wonders. Then, 12 hours after your morning sunlight exposure, your melatonin production will naturally help you wind down and be ready for bed.

However, the benefits of sunlight do more than help your sleep cycle. First of all, you will receive much-needed Vitamin D. Plus, the UVR has been shown to correlate with improved testosterone levels. This directly helps your estrogen and progesterone levels, too. As a result, sunlight helps to balance your hormones. For the best results, aim for 20 minutes of sun exposure a day, 3 days a week – at the very least. 

3. Eat A Hormone-Regulating Diet

The right diet can greatly improve your hormone balance. However, this requires you to eat whole, natural foods. And it’s important to stay away from overly processed foods full of additives and preservatives that can throw your hormones off balance.

My favorite trick to stocking my house with whole, natural foods is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store. This is where the real foods live. On the contrary, processed foods are found in the inner aisles because their preservatives don’t require refrigeration. 

If going to the grocery store is a challenge with your busy schedule, you can also do curbside pickup or delivery. These options are game changers for women like you with so many things on your to-do list. Plus, if you don’t even enter the store, you will avoid the temptation to throw junk food into your cart. This is a win-win situation for your health and time.

Contact me to get started on a custom plan just for you!

4. Find An Outlet For Your Stress

Everyone feels stress at some point, but how you manage your stress is critical to your well-being. 

However, my type A high achievers often think they can power through, but the stress is still there affecting the body, and unfortunately stunting weight loss efforts. This is because, over time, stress can seriously affect your health and throw your hormones off balance. In turn, perimenopause symptoms will only get worse.

I’ve found that I and many of my clients have great results through journaling. Whether you are feeling stressed or not, try to make a habit of writing down your thoughts. This is a great way to start or end your day. And when you do feel stressed, you are already in the habit of journaling. Getting those thoughts down on paper (or typed into your computer) is a great way to reevaluate your situation and reframe your mindset. 

However, sometimes journaling isn’t enough. Sometimes, you may feel so much stress that you just want to…punch something! That is okay. In fact, you can sign up for a boxing class to offload stress and get the movement your body needs.

When a boxing class is out of the question, any type of exercise can help to reduce stress. In fact, simply taking quick walks between meetings is a great way to expel your built-up stress. Plus, getting that extra sunshine is also good for your hormone health!

5. Delegate Your Least Favorite Tasks

Feel like you just have too much to do?

As a woman with a serious career and people who depend on you at work and at home, life can get overwhelming. So, delegate some tasks to other people. Yep, just get them off your list.

Cutting down your workload can seriously relieve stress and leave time for you to do other things to reverse your perimenopause symptoms. 

For instance, you can hire a housekeeper to help keep your home in order. Tired of washing and folding clothes? Ask your housekeeper to do it or contact a wash and fold laundry service.

Need a night by yourself or alone with your spouse? Hire a babysitter! Have someone else be in charge of your kids for an afternoon or evening. Whether you go on a date or just want time to read your book, bring in the support to make sure you are taking care of your needs.

Did you get overly ambitious with your landscaping and now you can’t keep up? Yep, call a gardener for help. You can ask them to fully take over. Or they can simply step in when you need a little extra help pulling weeds and switching out seasonal plants. 

And as mentioned above, take grocery shopping off your list. In addition to pickup and delivery resources, there are also grocery subscriptions you can sign up for. Having your weekly staples delivered without having to think about it can be a huge help!

Moreover, use your Amazon account to subscribe to other household products you always need. This can include paper towels, toilet paper, dishwashing detergent, and even your favorite kombucha. 

Get A Handle On Your Perimenopause Symptoms For Real Results

Your daily, weekly, and monthly habits matter so much to your health and well-being. Unfortunately, when life gets busy – the things you do for yourself are often the first to be cut from the list.

When you sign up to work with me to get to the root of your perimenopause symptoms, we will work together to develop a plan based on your needs. Moreover, this plan will center around your goals and lifestyle. Through my research and experience, I know that habits, goals, and lifestyle changes have to be attainable and sustainable for them to work. And that’s why I work with other busy, career-focused women to balance hormones and lose weight. Together, we’ll get a handle on your perimenopause symptoms so you can look and feel fantastic. 

Schedule a discovery call with me today and let’s get started.