Nurit Raich

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6 Tips To Show Yourself Love Without Giving Up On Your Ambitious Dreams

Do you feel like you’re running yourself ragged to accomplish all your professional goals, be the best mother possible, and treat your one and only body how it should be treated?

Ambitious women all have one thing in common – we get things done. 

But when it feels like we’re falling short, we are quick to overwork our minds and bodies rather than slow down and show ourselves love. 

In this rat race, it can be easy to forget that even the most energized, ball-busting, ceiling crashing version of yourself needs some self-love. In fact, when things fall through the cracks and you’re just not feeling the level of energy you crave, that’s your body sending you a message. It’s time to slow down and show yourself love so that you can continue to accomplish your ambitions like the amazing high achiever you are.

How To Show Yourself Some Love (Even On The Busiest Of Days)

Are you packing your schedule so tight that there’s no room left to rest and show yourself love? I have sooo been there! But it’s okay. You can start incorporating more self love into your routine – starting today!

1. Set Yourself Up For Lovin’ Success With A Sleep Routine

While this may sound redundant, it’s also easily ignored. But the reality is – you need a good sleep routine. No matter what your goals are, you won’t have the energy to accomplish them if you don’t have enough quality sleep. 

Plus, you’ll be showing yourself love by getting the sleep you need. You'll wake up feeling energized instead of hitting snooze a dozen times and relying on coffee to function.

So how do you come up with a good sleep routine?

To start, you want to go to bed at the same time every night. Lay in a dark room and do a calming activity. This could be reading a book, meditating, or something else that suits you. 

Moreover, you can help yourself get to sleep easier by not consuming caffeine too late in the day. And limit the amount of alcohol you consume. Many people think alcoholic beverages help them fall asleep. But too much alcohol can affect your hormones and sleep cycle, which will make you wake up in the middle of the night and prevent you from getting the true rest you need. 

2. Start Your Day With Sunshine & Movement

When you start your day with sunshine, it helps your circadian rhythm get in tune with the rise and fall of the sun. So, in addition to a bedtime routine, you should also wake up at the same time every morning.  

Even better, get some movement! While it can seem hard to jolt your waking body into exercise mode, it will set you up for a successful day of feeling great. Don’t worry if you don’t have time to hit the gym for an hour or go for a long run. Just move your body however you can. 

Try quick online workout videos, do some stretches outside, or just sing and dance through your morning routine to get your blood flowing. This gift to yourself will get your mornings off to a great start. Then, you will be ready to seize your busy day and every little thing that may come up because you will be energized and feel great.

If you need help kick starting a healthy routine that includes self love, I can help. Together we’ll develop a plan to get you on the right track. Schedule a discovery call today. 

3. Outsource The Chores That Dull Your Joy

Are there some chores you loathe? 

Whether it’s laundry, dishes, vacuuming, washing the car, washing the dog, or anything else – outsource the task. These days there are people and apps to do everything. Is that mountain of laundry on “the chair” mocking you? Check out wash and fold services in your area. Better yet, find one that will pick up and return the clothes right to your doorstep.

If other household duties are either being neglected or just taking up too much of your time, find a housekeeper to help you out. There are plenty of reputable services to call. 

Outsourcing help, especially for the tasks you loathe, will free up your time to do what’s most important. And on that list of what’s most important should include treating yourself like the amazing queen you are. Go for an extra long walk, check out a new restaurant, or even sign up for the pilates class you just haven’t found the time to try. When you show yourself love, your body will show it right back. 

4. Feed Your Body Energizing Foods

You know you need to eat right to feel your best, and let’s be honest – to continue fitting into your favorite outfits. But sometimes, your busy schedule has you rationalizing fast food meals and quick snacks to grab while you are running out the door. Instead of indulging in foods that will leave you feeling lethargic and bloated, practice self-love with every bite that hits your lips. 

If you find yourself snacking and ordering from meal delivery apps because you don’t have the time for the grocery store, circle back to #4 above. Outsource it! Try curbside pickup or a grocery delivery service. You’ll save yourself time and won’t toss cookies into your cart while you wheel through the snack aisle. Even better, you’ll have the food on hand to eat the delicious and nutritious meals your body craves.

If you still find yourself looking for quick and easy snacks, try one of my NRgy elixir drinks. They are fully customizable to give you the taste you want at any given moment and fully packed with the nutrients you need. You’ll feel full, energized, and ready to take on any task ahead. These are great for a quick breakfast or an afternoon pick-me-up. Check the recipes on my website and add the ingredients you’ll need to your next grocery store curbside pickup!

Need help figuring out which foods your body needs? As a Holistic Nutrition Coach and Food Scientist, I can help you come up with a plan that works for you. Contact me today to get started. 

5. Remember The Motto, “Hydration Is Cool”

It sounds cheesy, but hydration is pretty cool. Every inch of your body and mind will feel the love when you drink the right amount of water every day. 

Did you know that sometimes your body will tell your mind to eat when all it really wants is some water? Try drinking a glass of water before each meal, and you’ll be able to feel the cues when you are full. 

Moreover, your skin will love the hydration. Whether you deal with dry skin, adult acne, aging, or anything else – hydration is key to a vibrant complexion. And if you are trying to shed a few pounds to fit into your favorite jeans again, water will help with that, too. 

Our bodies need water to function, and we need enough water to function properly. If your skin is feeling tight or your energy is low, drink some water and watch your body get back to its optimal level. It’s one of the easiest ways to practice self love and truly feel the benefits immediately.

6. Give Your Mind & Body The Breaks You Need

While rest and self love aren’t exactly the same thing, they are closely related. Rest is one of the many factors of self love your body and mind need. 

When your busy schedule is getting the best of you and you can’t keep track of your commitments, then it’s time for a rest. This could look different to each individual. For some, a day off from the hustle of just doing nothing can reinvigorate your mind and soul. 

When I was traveling around the world for a job I loved, I didn’t even realize how much my busy schedule was impacting my health. I was tired, gaining weight, and couldn’t be the person I needed to be at home or in my career. That’s when I took a few days off and realized it was time to prioritize my health. Since then, those pounds slipped off, and my energy is being maintained at a higher level than ever before. You can feel this way, too! 

Find Out How A Holistic Nutrition Coach & Food Scientist Can Set You Up For Success

When my clients come to me feeling out of whack, we discuss their daily routine and diet. As a Holistic Nutrition Coach and Food Scientist, I’m able to guide you to feel better in your skin – no matter your goals. 

Here’s the best part, my program isn’t going to overtake your life and attempt to completely change your routine. Because I know busy professional women like you don’t have time for that. And if you don’t have the time, the program won’t stick. That’s why my program is designed specifically for you

Together, we will find ways to start implementing better nutrition to heal you from the inside out. When you feel that energy start to return, you’ll be able to crash through any glass ceiling in your way. Book a discovery call with me today!