Nurit Raich

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NRgy Elixir Drinks: Delicious, Nutritious, And Hormone Balancing

As the years continue to pass, we notice changes in ourselves just as much as the world around us. Do you find yourself looking in the mirror wondering where your youth went?

Aging is a part of life. As beautiful as the life cycle is, sometimes the symptoms that come with aging aren’t so wonderful. Whether that be the phase of perimenopause when your hormones begin fluctuating before menopause, graying hairs, or smile wrinkles that have claimed a stake on your skin. And of course, aging also comes with realizing we no longer have the same energy to get through our days. 

But we don’t have to give in to aging and call it a day. Instead, you can optimize your body to have the energy you need to keep chasing your ambitious dreams. Something as simple as my easy-to-make NRgy elixirs can give you that boost you’ve been longing for. 

How Easy-To-Make NRgy Elixir Drinks Can Combat Natural Aging Symptoms

Are you feeling overwhelmed knowing that you need to pack more nutrients into your diet? Then my NRgy elixirs are just for you!

By mixing together a combination of protein, healthy fats, and superfoods, you have a base for NRgy elixirs. And the best part? These can be delicious! 

Whether you’re looking for a holiday-themed healthy pumpkin treat or a cacao-based one to start your day, you can still get the nutrients you need. Plus, these healthy treats will:

  • Give you the energy you need to power through your day.

  • Prevents blood sugar crashes.

  • Provide your body with a bunch of benefits like hormone balancing, antioxidants, easier digestion, weight loss, and more!

Furthermore, the elixirs are all-natural, dairy-free, and have no added sugar. I love starting my days with an NRgy elixir or using them as an afternoon pick-me-up. 

Are you wondering, “Can feeling good really be that easy?” I designed my program for women just like you who don’t have time for trial and error. Contact me to learn how a customized plan can get you back to feeling great, fitting into your favorite clothes, and blasting through each day with energy to spare. 

Quick NRgy Elixir Recipes To Help You Win Each Day

One of the best parts of my NRgy elixirs is that they are easy to make. After all, your days are already packed. People depend on you, and you show up. Whether it’s work obligations, caring for children, or being there for your friends and partner. You’re not the type of person to back down from your responsibilities.

Whether in the heat of summer or chilly winter mornings, feeding your body great nutrients doesn’t mean you have to skip out on the flavor of the season. Instead, you can build elixirs to fulfill your cravings, but in a way that will promote your health and energy. Here is a fan-favorite yummy recipe for you to enjoy.

This is just one simple recipe that along with extra energy, also: 

  • Helps your body build and maintain healthy joints.

  • Promotes skin elasticity for a youthful glow.

  • Makes you feel full through the protein and healthy fat combo.

If pumpkin’s not your thing, that’s OK! Try adding cacao for a delicious chocolate-flavored beverage packed with antioxidants. You can create equally nutritious, hormone-balancing NRgy elixirs for whatever flavor you are craving.

Balance Your Hormones & Start Feeling Amazing

So why are my NRgy elixirs so much better for you than store-bought nutrition drinks? It’s because of the all-natural nutrition that doesn’t include any extra sugar or added preservatives. 

This helps to balance your hormones, which, let’s be honest – the older we get, the more we need to reign them in!

The pumpkin spiced latte NRgy elixir, for instance, is PACKED with incredible ingredients to make you feel great, like pumpkin and coconut.

Pumpkin has fiber and beta-carotene, which converts to Vitamin A. This is beneficial to your eyesight, immunity, cholesterol levels, and ability to maintain a healthy weight. 

The coconut is also rich in fiber, as well as MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) which improve heart health, weight loss, and digestion. Then, the spices are full of anti-inflammatory antioxidants – on top of adding amazing flavor. Finally, collagen keeps joints healthy, aids in skin health and hydration. Plus, the protein helps you feel full longer while giving you that extra energy you need and crave. 

All you need to do is stock up on the basics that you can throw into any flavor combination. Then, you’ll have quick, easy NRgy elixirs at your fingertips. Feeling amazing has never been easier!

Do you need help strategizing a healthy lifestyle that fits with your life? I can help! Reach out today to get on the path to feeling amazing, no matter your age or phase of life.

The Link Between Aging & Your Lifestyle

It’s no secret that alcohol, smoking, and sun exposure can speed up aging. But did you know parts of your seemingly healthy lifestyle may be diminishing your body’s ability to age gracefully?

That’s why I am here to share what I have found to make a real difference in your health and wellbeing. Are you wanting to fit into your favorite outfit, slow your signs of aging, or just get that oomph you’ve been missing? You can meet all of your health goals through a healthy lifestyle, including using food as medicine.

Through movement, rest, and diet – you can feel amazing again. Moreover, you can put a stop to those annoying symptoms that come with age. 

Meet Your Ambitious Goals Despite The Creep Of Aging & Perimenopause

As you get older, the symptoms of aging can get mixed in with those of perimenopause. While everyone’s body follows its own timeline, most women realize they are nearing menopause in or around their 40s. 

When your reproductive years come to an end (goodbye cramps!), your body’s transition isn’t always easy. Hormones fluctuate as your menstrual cycle becomes increasingly irregular. 

The symptoms of perimenopause compound the signs of aging. As if you weren’t battling enough energy deprivation! 

But going through perimenopause doesn’t mean you need to slow down. You can still have everything your ambitious heart wants. Plus, you can feel great while conquering your goals. 

It’s all about balance in your lifestyle. Make healthy choices 80-90% of the time, and indulge in whatever treat is calling your name the other 10-20%. This way, you can still feed your cravings and not feel guilty about it!

Healthy Lifestyle Strategy: The Reset Your Mind & Body Needs To Blast Through Glass Ceilings

Prioritizing your health is the first step in getting that energy you need to break down the barriers set before you. 

Healthy lifestyles are attainable. Sometimes, you just need a strategy that works with your life. 

That’s what I’m here for. Because feeling great, losing weight, and balancing hormones shouldn’t be a full-time job. And it doesn’t have to be. 

With the help of NRgy elixirs and a mindset that keeps your health at the forefront, you can look and feel amazing while you crash through glass ceilings. 

So pull out those clothes from the back of the closet. You know, the ones you just need to lose 5 more pounds to wear. You will be ready to showcase your newly found energy, body, and amazing spirit while you chase and conquer your ambitious goals. 

Ready to truly understand your body and what it needs? Through my program, we’ll create a specific plan just for you. Contact me today to start your journey of graceful aging through an easy-to-adapt lifestyle strategy!