Nurit Raich

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How To Make Resolutions Stick

Year after year, millions of people promise themselves that the stroke of midnight will bring a rejuvenated sense of drive and determination. And year after year, many New Year's resolutions start out strong but quickly dissipate into a memory. 

Is this sounding a little too familiar?

So what gives? Did you shoot for unattainable goals? Did you want the benefits without the work? Getting your resolutions to stick is not magic, but it does take the right healthy lifestyle strategy and mindset.

Get Out Of The “All Or Nothing” Mindset

In Greek Mythology, Icarus flew too close to the sun. Ultimately, his wax feathers melted, and he fell into the sea and drowned. 

No matter how you interpret this story personally, it’s easy to understand how it fits with New Year's resolutions. If you try to do everything with an “all or nothing” mindset, you are likely to get burned. So let go of that pressure and start with small attainable goals. 

Incorporate Micro-Changes Into Your Weekly Routine

The best way to set yourself up to successfully stick to your New Year's resolutions is to start small. In fact, begin the new year by implementing micro-level changes into your routine. And don’t beat yourself up if you don’t do everything right every day. Aim for small changes to your weekly routine to start. 

Feed Your Body At A Cellular Level

Cellular nutrition can help you have higher energy, better weight, and an overall healthier life. This is because feeding your body at the cellular level cleans toxins from cells. In turn, the cells can remain active and absorb the essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they need. It is the food you eat, after all, that makes up the material that builds your cells.

So now that you know why your body needs fuel on the cellular level, let’s talk about how to do that. The most basic explanation is to eat whole foods and cut processed foods. Eat the vegetables, fruits, spices, and lean meats that contain the protein and vitamins your body craves. 

Each bite will lift your spirits and make you proud of how you are treating your body. Moreover, when you learn what foods your body needs, true healing can begin. 

Tired of diets that don’t work and exercise routines that aren’t possible? Let’s get together to plan a healthy lifestyle strategy just for you. Book your discovery call today.

Take Advantage Of The Medicinal Value In Foods

Do you live with symptoms of food intolerances and/or hormonal imbalances from perimenopause? Too many people assume this is just how their body ages. That with age comes change. (Hello mid-30s and -40s  breakouts, hate to see you here!)

Here’s the (not-so-secret) secret – there is medicinal value in foods. But you have to eat the right foods to feel those benefits. 

And it’s not all or nothing. It’s the small changes you can make now. Eventually, your routine will include healthy eating without you even having to think about it.

Integrate Hormone Balance Into Your Diet & Habits

So many women start suffering from hormone imbalance in their 40s. It leads to fatigue, weight gain, bloating, and various other symptoms. Yes, your body changes as you age. But that doesn’t mean you have to accept the changes. 

So instead of chalking it up to age, combat your symptoms with hormone balancing foods. 

Everything in the body is connected. When you eat foods that fuel you on a cellular level, each part of your body will feel the effects. But here’s the thing – there is no one-size-fits-all to ideal eating. What I’ve found most in my work is that each woman needs to learn exactly what her body needs.

We are going to figure out what should be filling up 80% - 90% of your diet. And guess what you get to do with that other 10% - 20%? Whatever you want! And even better, your hormones won’t go totally out of whack. This is how learning what you need puts you on the track to balance your hormones, zip up that figure-flattering dress, and feel amazing. 

Stop dealing with the symptoms of hormone imbalance and start working to eliminate them. Contact me today, and together we will get to the root cause of your symptoms and find long-lasting solutions that really work.

Incorporate Movement Every Day

Is exercise something you put off until you feel like it or have enough time? But you wake up in the morning and pour coffee. Before you know it, you’ve eaten a full breakfast. There’s no way you can hit the gym with a full belly. 

Does this sound a little like you?

It’s ok. I’ve felt this way before, too. And I realized my mindset was setting me up for failure. I don’t have to hit the gym for an hour a day to get exercise. All I need is to move my body. Dance parties in the living room with my kids? Yes, please! Shaking my hips while I wash dishes? You know it! Quick walks around the block in between meetings? Always! These are the little things I do throughout the day to move my body when I can’t commit to a full exercise.

Additionally, I find quick 30-minute HIIT workouts online and do them in the living room. When I can, I take an extra long walk around the neighborhood or go to a yoga class. 

All this to say, start small. Get that movement in when and where you can, and find something you truly enjoy doing. Most importantly, drop the idea that you have to be in a gym or running 5 miles to make a difference. 

Practice Self-Care Regularly

Can you honestly tell me that your well being is your top priority?

Chances are you have someone who depends on you. After all, you are an ambitious woman, and people can tell. That’s why they know you will always show up when asked. Co-workers ask you for help. Your kids’ teachers often ask you to do a little more than the other parents. Maybe you have a parent in ill health that needs extra assistance. On top of it all, you have a career that you are not interested in giving up. 

So rather than being determined to do it all for everyone else, put yourself back as number one. Read a book without asking permission. Go for a leisurely walk just to feel the fresh air. Get your hair and nails done if that’s what makes you feel good. 

Show up for yourself so you can keep showing up for those who depend on you the most.

Make Rest & Stress Relief A Priority

Not to be confused with self-care is the importance of both rest and stress relief. You are a powerful being, and your potential is out of this world. But even SuperWoman needs rest to prevent her super powers from diminishing. 

Rest isn’t just the 8 hours of sleep you should be getting every night. But if you are not getting enough sleep, that’s a great place to start. Get in a nighttime routine. Turn the lights down low earlier than you are used to. Wash your face and put on your favorite serum. Get into cozy pajamas and get in bed. Help yourself improve your routine to get those sleeping hours you need so badly. 

And when you are awake, don’t just absorb the stress of everyday life. Get it out of your system. Need to decompress from a hard meeting? Are the kids driving you nuts? My healthy lifestyle strategy includes practicing mindfulness and stress-relieving techniques. Together we can come up with a plan just for you. Because like diet, stress management is not a one-size-fits-all solution. But when we dive deep into your health goals and routine, we can implement long-lasting solutions that work specifically for you.

Put A Lifestyle Strategy To Work To Turn Your Health Goals Into Your Routine

As you practice making your new healthy habits a routine, remember to celebrate each accomplishment – no matter how small. Because you are a one-of-a-kind amazing woman put on this Earth to do great things. 

It will probably take time to get used to writing the digits of the new year. In that same fashion, it will take time to truly implement your New Year's resolutions if you want them to stick. So give yourself grace and start small. Add micro-changes to your weekly routine. Then start adding those changes to your daily habits. Before you know, the next new year will come around, and you’ll be celebrating the fact that your resolutions really became your routine. 

Ready to create a lifestyle strategy that will actually work with your New Year's resolutions? Contact me today to get started!